10 States with the Highest Number of Romance Scams

Summer romance is in the air, and the special someone you just met at an online dating site or on social media seems too good to be true. The sad truth is the person just might turn out to be. In fact, your would-be dreamboat could be a “catfisher.” So is anywhere safe? Some parts of the country have a higher risk than others, it seems. Dream Singles Scam takes a closer look at the 10 states with the highest number of romance scams.

What is catfishing?

In 2019, more than 19,000 people in the United States lost a total of $475 million from such scams, according to the FBI. Of those, nearly 300 occurred in Nevada. While the number places the state 19th in the number of romance scams, Nevada shoots up to No. 1 for its incidence rate per capita. Nevadans who were victimized by such scams list nearly $4.2 million combined, averaging about $14,272 per victim, the analysis found. 


In 2019, more than 19,000 people in the United States lost a total of $475 million from such scams, according to the FBI. Of those, nearly 300 occurred in Nevada. While the number places the state 19th in the number of romance scams, Nevada shoots up to No. 1 for its incidence rate per capita. Nevadans who were victimized by such scams list nearly $4.2 million combined, averaging about $14,272 per victim, the analysis found.

States Where You’re Most Likely To Be Catfished

  1. Nevada
  2. Wyoming
  3. Washington
  4. Utah
  5. Alaska
  6. New Hampshire
  7. Minnesota
  8. Florida
  9. Oregon
  10. Maryland

States Where You’re Least Likely To Be Catfished

  1. South Dakota
  2. Mississippi
  3. Iowa
  4. Louisiana 
  5. Maine
  6. Kansas
  7. Vermont
  8. Nebraska
  9. Ohio
  10. North Carolina

Tips to Avoid Romance Scams

  • Never give money or personal information: Do not give anyone you meet online money, no matter the reason. Do not even give basic information which scammers use to identity fraud, get access to your banks and steal your money.
  • Take things slow: If you like someone online, do not let them rush you. Known romance scammers will be pushy about falling in love right away. If that’s the case, know something is not right.
  • Meet or video chat: Do not form a relationship with someone who will not video chat with you or meet you in person.
  • Reverse search: Scammers steal photos from good looking people on social media and pretend to be them. Use reverse search platforms that can confirm the identity of someone using a photo, email or phone number.
  • Use reputable dating sites: Certain online dating sites have security measures in place to greatly limit the amount of dishonest tactics that can sometimes be used by scammers. Sites like Dream Singles and Russians Dating Online are two reputable dating platforms that users have identified as being the safest. 

Romance scams are a threat to anyone dating and communicating online. It’s important to understand what catfishing is, and if you’re located in the one of the 10 states with the highest number of romance scams. Catfishing is rampant in Nevada, according to our rankings, but no matter where a person resides, taking safety precautions online should be a priority.

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